E-Scent and Tirrit dispose of a worldwide network of top specialists enabling to select always the best specialist for each customer demand. Thanks to this structure E-Scent can react very quickly and efficiently avoiding complicated procedures and unnecessary overhead costs.
Our development engineers strive to optimize our existing state-of-the art products to optimally suit the needs of the customer.  This includes e.g.:

  • enhancing the performance: internal passages, different contents, precompression, nozzles, …
  • improving the ergonomics
  • bacteriological protection of contents
  • enable multiple applications in different fields

Our latest innovations:

Solutions for
High Protection

This includes e.g:

  • Airless
  • Prevent drying
  • Prevent oxidation & polymerization
  • No retro-contamination

Solutions for
High Surface Tension Fluids

This includes e.g:

  • Sprays any kind of oil 
  • Meets customers‘ challenges